Beautiful things to bring you joy!
Cearenses have a unique heritage whose origins are indigenous, African and European.
Beautiful things to bring you joy!
Cearenses have a unique heritage whose origins are indigenous, African and European.
Ceará handcraft
Among the most well renowned are the intricately designed lace fabrics used in cloths and clothes alike, which have adorned bodies and homes for centuries.
You can also find a great many crafts made from clay, especially in jars, plates and sculptures. Grass and vine basketwork, leather furniture, bags and shoes and even semi-precious stone jewelry, everything to brighten up your life.
We owe a lot to the artisans of Ceará.
Crafts, in addition to cultural wealth, have been transformed into material wealth for families, whose skills have been passed down from generation to generation, bringing opportunities and riches to their places of origin. These are often remote beaches or a small districts from inland rural areas, who export these materials and objects for worldwide appreciation.

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