Cuisine from the coast of Ceará: discover 4 typical dishes

There is a huge diversity of beaches along the 573 km of Ceará’s coast, and that should tell you a lot about the region. With natural landscapes, culture and customs, Ceará is not lacking in terms of cuisine, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. All along the coast, it is possible to try local dishes […]
Pratinho: a tradition of Ceará cuisine

Anyone who has visited Ceará or lives in the region, has certainly seen a stall selling this famous dish. It is especially common around the time of São João, which is a yearly festival in the month of June. But what is it? Continue reading and discover more about this delicious typical food from Ceará! […]
Jericoacoara: enjoy this Cearense paradise!

Traveling to Jericoacoara is a unique experience, with its dunes, beaches and enchanting lakes. You can have fun with a great many options for leisure, or just sit back and relax whilst admiring the lush landscapes. Read on and learn more about this paradise of Ceará, as well as other great tourist attractions in the […]
Fun facts about Ceara that you might like to know

Ceará, the land of the sun, beaches, comedy, natural beauties, cordel literature and much more, has an enchanting history, religiosity and a strong, representative role in Brazilian culture. To discuss all this diversity, we list some interesting facts about Ceará below! 1. The origin of the name Ceará There are several versions of how the […]
Ceará cuisine: 5 typical foods to try

Known for its beautiful beaches, Ceará also has an unmissable cuisine. Many of its dishes are common in other northeastern states too, however, Ceara has some very unique flavors. This can be because of the local recipes, seasonings or simply the way we make it. Read on and check out 5 typical dishes from Ceará! […]
The natural beauties of Ceará

Ceará offers many attractions for those who visit it. It is a roller coaster ride of emotions, whether on land, in the air or at sea. The sights to be found there will amaze without doubt. You can find white dunes, cliffs of colored sand from which clear water gushes, green coconut groves, warm seas […]
Conheça 5 doces nordestinos de dar água na boca

O Nordeste possui uma riquíssima culinária, inclusive quando se trata de doces. A região tem uma variedade de sobremesas, tão gostosas e valorizadas quanto os pratos salgados. Conheça algumas dessas delícias! Continue a leitura! Rapadura A sobremesa mais antiga e tradicional do Nordeste tem receita originada no século XVI. Feita à base de cana-de-açúcar, não […]
As melhores praias do Ceará

Terra da luz, do Sol, das praias! O Ceará é um estado singular do Brasil, além de sua história, cultura e tradições, ele possui diversas paisagens exuberantes, entre elas estão as praias do litoral cearense. Continue a leitura e conheça as melhores praias do Ceará! Praia de Canoa Quebrada, Aracati É possível explorar a incrível […]
“Ola, lady of lace!”: tradition and art from Ceará

Lace is a delicate, open-knit fabric whose threads are worked by hand or machine and intertwine forming beautiful designs. This lace can be used to decorate clothes and tablecloths, among other things. They are commonly sold by fishermen’s wives and other artisans, from their homes, on the beach, at craft fairs and other public spaces […]
Ceará: 6 places to learn more about its history and culture

Museums are places of great importance for the preservation of the cultural memory of a people, and are responsible for their heritage. Of course, they are also important to inform and educate through exhibitions. In Ceará, there are several museums and cultural centers that are worth visiting. Read on to discover some of them! Museum […]